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What Is the Kingdom of God?


The message here presents a compelling vision of hope and transformation, drawing on biblical prophecies to forecast a future where the world's direst issues are resolved through divine intervention. It challenges the conventional...

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What Is the True Gospel?


It is almost universally believed and taught that the death of Jesus Christ for your sins and mine is at the heart and core of the gospel. Is this true and biblical?

In this episode, you will discover the one original message Jesus Christ...

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What Makes a Woman or a Man Truly Beautiful and Attractive?


Beauty is a $532 billion dollar industry. We human beings are quite literally obsessed with beauty. Some are even addicted to looking “perfect” all the time. And we are “hard-wired” to respond positively to...

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Will You Really Go to Heaven When You Die?


Death is a mystery. There’s much confusion, ignorance, and even outright deception over what happens after death. Many believe we go immediately to either heaven or hell when we die.

But what does the Bible say?

Here are five...

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The Fatherlessness Epidemic: Good, Godly Men Needed Now!


Fatherlessness is a real, more devastating epidemic than COVID-19.

The “nuclear family” is quickly disappearing. Due to divorce and the rising trend of single-parent households, only a minority of children can count on living...

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What Does the Bible Say About Valentineā€™s Day?


If you are a Christian, chances are you have already planned or currently planning how you will celebrate Valentine’s Day this February 14. But do you know that true Christians do not celebrate Valentine’s Day? The reason might...

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What Does the Bible Say About Astrology?


Chances are high that you’ve seen a horoscope. You may even know your Zodiac sign! Astrology is the belief that your life and future is affected or determined by the alignment of celestial bodies like the stars and planets...

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